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the cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of confidence. definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. confidence enables us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. by being confident. we are more likely to win others’ trust and support, discover our potentials and overcome those seemingly-invincible and formidable setbacks. to further illustrate the importance of being confident, i would like to take jeremy lin as a case in point: how could he, once and ordinary and obscure basketball player at harvard university, achieve unprecedented success in nba?

accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of confidence. furthermore, when coming with setbacks and bottlenecks, instead of giving up easily, what we must do is to face it with confidence and fight against it without courage. “confident people never get hurt.” abraham lincoln also once said.





as is vividly depicted by the drawing above, the job-hunting girl refuses a service post without any hesitation, complaining that she will never take a job of serving others①. at the same time she is wondering why finding a promising job is so difficult in modern society②。

this phenomenon can easily be found anywhere in our daily life③, especially on campus. on the one hand, many job-seekers are reluctant to take jobs that they consider to be humble and trivial, such as being a secretary or an assistant, because they have great ambitions and they only want to ride on the peak of success. what is amazing is that they are not conscious that ambition is to be achieved step by step④. on the other hand, wanting to gain more but pay less, both the jobless and graduating students aspire to seek a job that is well-paid, relaxed and comfortable. this kind of “no work, all play” attitude toward life can be destructive to both personal and social development. we should not look down upon service industry, the third industry, because it does provide us with many employment opportunities and positions⑤。

therefore, it is high time that we took effective measures to improve the current situation. for one thing, an education campaign should be launched to popularize the idea that “the longest journey starts with a single step” and to cultivate a down-to-earth attitude toward life. for another, the tendency of being lazy must be eradicated from the mind of the young. only in this way can people realize their value of life better and can unemployment rate be reduced and thus can social harmony be achieved⑥。




① complaining that she will never take a job of serving others: 伴随状语。

② why finding a promising job is so difficult in modern society: 这个句子充当了整个句子的宾语,叫做宾语从句。

特殊疑问词why, what, when等引导的宾语从句必须使用正常的陈述语序,不得使用主谓倒装的形式。

例如,这句就不能写成:why is finding a promising job so difficult in modern society?finding a promising job是主语。is是系动词。

再如:i don’t know what his name is。

绝对不能写成:i don’t know what is his name。

③ 2008年真题阅读选项中的句子。

原句为:political compromises are easily found throughout the u. s. history。


④ be conscious that: 意识到,that后边必须接完整的主谓宾结构。

这个表达等同于be aware that,可以进行同意替换。

此外:be conscious of 和be aware of 在意思上也等同于这两者,表示意识到。

但是:be conscious of 和be aware of后边要接单词或者短语,一般不能加句子。

⑤ the third industry: 第三产业,是service industry(服务业)的同位语。



it does provide us with: does在句中表强调,翻译成“确实”。

⑥ only in this way can… realize… and can… be… and thus can… be…:排比句,短促有力,气势强大,使得对未来的展望显得信心十足!

普通的被考生用烂了的这个句型:only in this way can we live in a harmonious society,被本文的作者巧妙地改写成了一个精彩的排比句。


living longer

in the past it was not uncommon for a man to die at forty, having lived a full life. but now we consider a lifespan of forty years to be very short. it is not unusual for people to live into their eighties and nineties, and some even reach 100. what's more, people are living long, healthy lives and are active well into their “golden years”.

mankind's longevity is due mainly to advances in science and technology. medical breakthroughs have eradicated many fatal diseases that were once common. perhaps more importantly, better general health means that people are less likely to contract infections in the first place. better health also helps people prevent slowly debilitating conditions, such as heart disease, which can take their lives at an early age. and as civilization has advanced, our living environment and sources of food have become more sanitary. furthermore, work is now safer and not as taxing on the human body. we do not wear out after just a few years of very hard work.

there are many reasons why people are now living longer than ever before. but what is more important is that they are living better as they live longer. it is my opinion that we have scientific and technological development to thank for this progress.







section Ⅲ writing

part a


write a letter of about 100 words to the president of your university,suggesting how to improve stu-dentssquo;physical condition.

you should include the details you think necessary.

you should write neatly on the answer sheet.

do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead.

do not write the address. (10 points)

part b

52. directions:

write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. in your essay, you should

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) interpret its intended meaning, and

3) give your comments.

you should write neatly on the answer sheet.(20 points)

51 参考范文

dear mr. president,

i am an undergraduate student majoring in religious taoism in the department of religious studies of our university. the purpose of my letter is to propose several conducive suggestions regarding how to improve studentssquo; physical health.

above all, it is necessary for college students to choose jogging, playing basketball, swimming, skating, climbing or riding as their regular exercises in that exercise never fail to make us stronger and more energetic. what is more, since a balanced diet and sufficient sleep are both indispensable to physical fitness, university students should put great emphasis on good habits.

if you are so kind as to take my proposals into consideration, i would be great honored. your prompt attention to my recommendation would be highly appreciated. (122 words)

yours sincerely,

li ming



what are the important qualities of a good sonor daughter? have these qualities changed orremained the same over time in your culture?use specific reasons and examples to supportyour answer.

model essay(范文):

the qualities of a good son and daughter---obedience, loyalty, respect---have not changed.any patent will tell you that, like their ancestors, they expect these qualities from their children.however, they do not always get what they expect from their children.

parents demand that their sons and daughters, regardless of age, obey them. even if thechildren are married and have their own children, they should still do whatever their parents askof them. at last, that's the way it was. now, children tend to obey their parents until thechildren are of college age. then they feel they are adult enough and can make their owndecisions even if these decisions are against the parent's wishes.

parents also expect loyalty from their children. if there was a dispute in the neighborhoodor between families, the parents would expect their children to side with their own family. thisquality is probably still very common. most children today will support their family againstothers.

parents, of course, demand respect. as people become more mobile, and introduced tonon-traditional ways of doing things, this quality may not endure. parents are sometimesviewed as old-fashioned. children don't think their parents can appreciate the way life really is.they think their parents are too old to understand. they lose respect for their parents.

obedience, loyalty, and respect are virtues that are being challenged today. we may notobey our parents, give them the loyalty or respect they wish or deserve, but i hope mychildren obey me, are loyal to me, and respect me.

















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