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the magnificent stage performance and superb dance technology reveal the digital interpretation of the flavor of the times.from tokyo to beijing,from midsummer to ice and snow,different venues have the same dream.with the re ignition of the olympic flame in china's bird's nest,the 24th winter olympic games kicked off in beijing.at this time,beijing officially became the world's first "double olympic city".

the opening ceremony of beijing 20xx winter olympic games coincides with the "beginning of spring" solar term,which is the first of china's 24 solar terms.the opening ceremony also combines the element of "beginning of spring".in one performance,the actors hold green luminous poles,implying the vitality of spring.subsequently,green and white fireworks spelled out the words "beginning of spring" in the air,reflecting the excitement and power of "spring comes and everything is beautiful".

in the opening ceremony,the name of each country is composed of small snowflakes,which in turn form a large snowflake,which represents china's yearning for peace,mutual assistance and unity.this grand event full of ice and snow elements is simple but wonderful,showing the world a more prosperous,powerful and confident china.if faith has color,it must be chinese red! dressed in red,the chinese sports delegation entered the arena with confident and firm steps,and each step represents china's strong and confident spirit! this is chinese red! shine! beautiful!

although the length of the opening ceremony of the beijing winter olympic games has been shortened and the scale of the performance has been reduced,it shows a more prosperous,strong and confident china,reflects the confidence of chinese culture in the new era,and highlights the chinese cultural temperament and the national style of a big country.

20xx winter olympics,i cheer for you! 20xx beijing,i cheer for you!



我们盼望的一天终于来到了,老师说:"下雪要带我们去操场上玩雪。早上我高高兴兴的来到学校,同学们都在说:“今天可以去外面玩雪了!大家很高兴。 不一会儿,到了上课的时间了,我们开始认真的学习,一头午的时间很快就过去了。

到了下午,老师领着我们来到了操场上,老师一声令下,你们去玩吧!我们听了,就像快乐的小鹿一样,在雪地上奔跑,跳跃——我们班的男同学在打雪仗,他们用手捧起一堆雪,捏成一个个雪球,向对面打过去,雪球打在同学的背上,“啪”的一声开了花,大家看了都高兴的哈哈大笑起来。还有的在雪地里画着自已喜欢的作品中,大家三五成群的玩可高兴了,我和宋依霖想一起堆一个大雪人,然后我们先做了一个大大的雪人头,在上面做了两个雪人的眼睛,然后又给雪人做了一个胖胖的身体,因为我们没有准备一些做雪人用的道具,做不了脸,怎么办呢? 突然,宋依霖灵机一动说:”我用手在雪人的脸上画一张笑脸不就行了吗?然后,她就在雪人的脸上花了一张可爱笑脸,可是,时间过得太快了,我们还没有玩够呢,就到了回班级时间了,同学们都有些依依不舍,但老师说:“同学们不要急,下次下雪的时候我们再到操场上来玩。



the winter olympics i know began with the first anniversary of the countdown to the beijing winter olympics.

that day's event was held in the "ice cube" of the national swimming center.the "ice cube" has bright lights,the stage decorated with blue ice crystal geometric patterns and the shell of the water cube complement each other,and the giant banners of the mascots "ice pier" and "snow rongrong" are hung in the air,reflecting the characteristics of winter ice and snow sports and modern science and technology.

what is the olympic games? i think:

first of all,it is a struggle.on this stage,people all over the world have fully demonstrated their strength,will,skills and the beauty of nature,struggled with human physiological limits,and won the favor of hundreds of millions of viewers.every trophy is a limit.

second,it is a war.in this battlefield,the banner of "higher,faster and stronger" is fluttering in the wind,which reflects that every athlete has the courage to challenge the strong players in the world and constantly surpass himself and others.every record is a miracle of mankind.

again,it is a kind of life.in this life,use sports to improve human health and optimism,use persistence to express their longing for life,and use sweat and tears to show the value of life.every cry is another wonderful of life.

finally,it is a party.chinese china very fruitful and china novel coronavirus pneumonia has been working together in the world.the epidemic prevention and control is effective,and the recovery of the economic development is good.the strategic epidemic prevention measures have blocked the spread of covid-19.china has set an example and demonstration for governments and people all over the world,and has also provided effective experience and wisdom for the world's epidemic prevention and control of infectious diseases.it has been highly praised by people all over the world.hosting the winter olympic games in china has shown the world "china's charm",displayed "china's business card",and displayed the brand-new image of the world's second largest economy and responsible power.

2022 winter olympics,i cheer for you! 2022 beijing,i cheer for you!















"the flower of success,people only admire her present brilliance.however,at the beginning,her bud was soaked in the tears of struggle and sprinkled with the blood of sacrifice."

because of my obsession with basketball,i like and understand all other sports more or less.when 2022 is approaching,my heart is also full of expectations for the winter olympic games to be held in beijing next year.

what is the olympics? i think it is a stage that shows the beauty of strength,will,skill and nature,as well as physical limits.it has won the favor of hundreds of millions of viewers.people are encouraged by victory,regret mistakes and proud of participation.

as i attack and defend on the basketball court,i am glad to score and sad for failure.the sweat and tacit cooperation with my teammates have always been the source of my happiness.every serious dribbling and shooting,every running back and forth on the field,every persistence when falling behind in a big score,mutual encouragement among players,frowning eyebrows and firm eyes...isn't that true for everyone in the olympic field?

no champion is won in comfort.when people marvel at the brilliance of athletes,they pay little attention to their daily life.cruel training,boring persistence...however,they enjoyed it,rain or shine,went ahead bravely,sacrificed their youth and shed tears on the training ground.they forget to eat and sleep on the projects they love,and constantly work hard to get the fun of sports.they work hard for their dreams with the ideal of winning glory for the country! when the national anthem is played,all the bitterness and tiredness condense into sweet tears at this moment.

next year,in the bird's nest and zhangjiakou,these athletes who break through the cold wind,welcome the ice and snow,and sweat countless times will prove to the world that success comes from persistence.

and i,an ordinary middle school student,salute you in a distant place.

even if i am not in the sports field,i will spread the olympic spirit.i am in the middle school entrance examination,which is a battlefield without gunpowder smoke.just like you in the ice and snow field,you are full of passion,full of desire for victory,and constantly sweat.if you work,you will get a harvest.over time,miracles can be created from less to more.

"without some cold,the plum blossom smells sweet.".every winter olympic athlete is a plum blossom blooming in ice and snow.the cold wind and ice and snow are just to temper his character.

in the cold snow,i will study hard,cheer for myself,cheer for you,cheer for china and cheer for the 2022 winter olympic games!


a north wind blows, and the yellow leaves fall, and it indicates that the winter is coming again.

in my memory, the winter here is always surrounded by cold. the winter is coming, the snow drifting profusely and disorderly underground, almost overnight, the earth was covered with a thick layer of snow. freezing temperatures had all the rivers freeze up, rippling into a stiff ice; all the trees don't like spring and summer on the high ropes vitality. only the bald branches shudder in the cold wind.

cold to nature is a kind of cold and desolate, but how can it resist the vitality of life? in the snow, several roadside rhubarb dog is happy to get chase play; several fishermen in the river ice was scuttling fishing net; township enterprises of the machine still roar sing; not the teachers of our school students is a cold scare, still learning a lesson.

i love swimming freely in the water in summer, but in the cold activity seems to be more powerful. ball, rope skipping, shuttlecock and so on, all i want everyday activities. don't look very cold outside, as long as you are willing to play, there will be a feeling of reeky, not afraid of the winter wind and frost. even if you are in adversity, you will eventually succeed as long as you are not afraid of the difficulties and go forward in the storm. because there will be a rainbow after the wind and rain.





















    星期一至星期五 8:30~12:30 14:00~18:00
