比赛当天,参加把何必三的同学们一个个摩拳擦掌,声势浩大,耀武扬威的走上pk台。呀!我们的对手怎么回事六(5)班呢?oh my god!六(5)班的同学一个个人高马大,而我们班的主力军之一费芳琳同学很不幸得了胆结石,去医院做手术了……怎么办,我们只剩下了体格较为瘦弱的的队员了,我们拼得过他们吗?没办法,我们只能背水一战了,与他们展开“殊死拼搏”。
随着嘹亮的哨音响彻云霄,属于班与六(5)班的啊“战斗”拉开了帷幕。“六(3)班加油!六(3)班加油!”啦啦队员们鼓足了气拼命地呐喊着。我不知是因为听到了啦啦队员的助威,还是怎样,感到热血沸腾,像是得到了某种强大的力量。我拉着绳子,想把绳子朝我所在的地方靠近,两只手被绳子了的火辣辣的疼,为了班级的荣誉,这点疼算什么。我看见绳子上的红布条正一点点的向我们班的“战区”靠近,心中感到无比欣慰,刚准备再加一把劲,谁知六(5)班的同学一下爆发了。第一轮他们赢了。可怜的我们呢,太认真了,大多都摔倒在地上,揉着各自疼痛的身躯,踉踉跄跄地爬起来,准备第二轮比赛。“老虎不发威,你当我是hello kitty”大家的斗志被点燃起来。比赛开始后,各自的能力纷纷展现出来,鼓足了劲拉绳子,呐喊声助威声也是此起彼伏,绳上的红布条似乎也同意乖乖的跟我们“回家”……随着结束哨音吹响,张校长庄重的宣布了这轮比赛的结果:“六(3)班胜利!”“耶!”属于我们的笑声在操场上空飘荡。大家欢笑着,蹦跳着,好似这次比赛铁定就是我们赢一样。可惜,好景不长,我们终究不敌强敌,与六(5)班的较量以失败告终,在年级中排名第四。虽然,我们输了比赛,但我们赢了志气,赢了骨气。
do you like watching tv during the summer vacation? why?
which place do you like to travel most? why?
how do you spend your summer holidays? can you say something about your school life?
what birthday present will you give to the members of your family? why?
what’s your favourite tv programme?
tourism is becoming an increasingly important industry in china. our government has taken effective measures to improve this new industry over the past few years. for example, it has explored many appealing scenic and historic spots. tourists from all over the world come in floek to china every year.
but people differ as to the advantages and disadvantages of the tourist industry.those who are in favour of tourism argue that our country can benefit a lot from it. for one thing,it is a large source of foreign exchange and an important part of national planning aswell. for another,we may well say thattourism can help to promote the understanding and friendship among the peoples of different countries.the main reason why some people oppose tourism is that the masses cannot benefit from it because the pressure of too many tourists means the higher prices of goods.
inspite of this, i think its gains outweigh its losses. it also meansmore employment and more income for the country. for this reason the tourist industry should be developed vigorously so as to meet the needs of our socialist economy.
根据提示写一篇my english teacher
name: mr.king age: 31 years of teaching: 10 hobby: playing sports, watching tv , reading . relation with his students: strict, kind, patient. 评论:teacher, friend
my english teacher
mr.king is our english teacher. he is 31 years old. he became a teacher 10 years ago.
he likes playing sports, so he is very strong. he likes reading and watching tv and he has good knowledge. all of us love to listen to his class because he has a good way to make his lessons interesting. mr king is kind to us, but very strict with us in our studies. he is patient,too. he is a good teacher and also a good friend.
nowadays, there are more and more (某种现象) in (某种场合)。 it is estimated that (相关数据)。 why have there been so many (某种现象)? maybe the reasons can be listed as follows。 the first one is (原因一)。 besides, (原因二)。 the third one is (原因三)。 to sum up, the main cause of (某种现象) is due to (最主要原因)。 it is high time that something were done upon it。 for one thing, (解决办法一)。 on the other hand, (解决办法二)。 all these measures will certainly reduce the number of (某种现象)。
the column chart above illustrates the online shopping transactions and the growth rate in china from 20xx to 20 is an excellent way to free up valuable time for their studies. the second advantage of online shopping is that it is available 24/7. being able to shop at any and all hours of the day is not only conducive to the late nights associated with the modern lifestyle, but also means that people no longer have to plan their activities around stores’ opening hours.
despite the advantages to peoples of making purchases online, there are also a few caveats that young people should bear in mind. firstly, the speed and convenience of e-shopping many encourage frivolous or unnecessary spending by inducing people to buy more than they had initially intended. secondly, there is a chance that those people who are already introverted may become even more alienated from the outside world.
this picture is simple but significant. as is shown in the picture above, rising up his head, a young boy is holding a glorious sun with his firm hand. the caption indicates that, “ with dreams, our hearts can fly high; with flight, our dreams will not be far away.”
why are dreams so importantwe may attribute its significance to three factors. first and foremost, dreams can give us courage and strength to overcome all the difficulties in our lives. besides, having dreams is beneficial for us to be confident, passionate and energetic, and it may put us in a favorable position in our life journey. on the contrary, were there no dreams, our life will be dull and meaningless. last but not least, if all of us have dreams, our society will be more vigorous and harmonious.
considering every aspect of this positive issue, we should bear in mind that dreams are of great significance to both our society and ourselves.therefore, the mass media, such as television, internet and radio, should try best to propaganda and advocate it. as for ourselves, we should take practical actions to cherish our precious dreams and let them be realized. then, we have every reason to be convinced that we can have a bright future if we have dreams.
should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?
in current days , with the development of society and economic ,series of social problems are appeared. in order to analyze this phenomenon three universities in beijing jointly distribute an opinion poll about “should you help the old when he/she falls down on the street?”.
from the result of this survey, we know that 29.6 percent of the people are surveyed think that whether they help the old or not will according to the circumstance. the people who will help the old are the most ,they accounted for 64.8 percent of them. and also have 8.3 percent hold the view that the old shouldn’t be help.
why don’t they help the old falls down on the street? 5.3 percent of them are lack of medical knowledge. and 7.2 percent of them think that it’s not related to them. but the major, 87.4 percent of them are afraid of getting themselves into trouble.
through this result, we can see clearly that crisis of confidence between people. sincere and confidence are replaced by dishonest and hypocritical. cautious and alert are deeply rooted.
in my opinion, we all should help each other. respect and take good care of the old is the traditional chinese virtues. when we meet the case, we’d better call health care workers for help. because we lack of medical knowledge may cause more harm to the old. i hope there is less harm and more worm in our life.